Our questions are written by, and undergo a meticulous review process by professional flight instructors and commercial pilots. They are crafted to mirror the format and content of questions found in Transport Canada exams. Additionally, we regularly conduct audits on our existing questions to ensure their relevance and accuracy. With nearly 3,000 unique questions in our current bank, we continually expand it by adding more.
After purchasing your test prep exam, you’ll have immediate access to your study content. With our modern, professional test engine, you’ll have the ability to start a full exam, or drill into particular areas that you want to focus on. Start with 5 questions, or do 40, you decide. As you take your practice exams, the test engine will keep track of your progress in each content area, giving you the ability to improve in each area of your exam. Set a target test date, and the engine will help you reach your goal!
We want you to PASS your exam! You can write as MANY exams as you like, within your 6-month subscription. Take our exams over and over again until you feel 100% confident.
We stand behind our products. If you don’t pass your exam on your first attempt, we’ll refund 100% of your purchase! To qualify for a refund, you must have logged 3 full practice exams with at least 80% or better, and show us notification that you did not pass your Transport Canada exam.